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Best April Fools Prank Idea 2022: Good April Fools Jokes Over Text For Friends and Partners (Harmless)

Good April Fools Jokes Over Text

Yeyyyy! It’s time for the April Fools Day festivities in 2022. April Fool’s Day is a special day on which individuals have the opportunity to play practical pranks on their friends and loved ones by spreading jokes and hoaxes. On this day, people plan a variety of pranks to have a good time. Every year, on April 1st, people worldwide celebrate April Fool’s Day. 

April Fool’s Day is generally observed at universities, workplaces, and other places of business. Every country, virtually without exception, celebrates April Fool’s Day.

Table Of Contents
  • April Fool’ Day 2022
  • April Fools Prank 2022
  • April Fools Day Quotes 2022
  • April Fools Day Prank Jokes 2022
  • April Fools Day SMS 2022
  • April Fools Day Wishes 2022
  • April Fool Jokes 2022
  • Good April Fools Prank 2022

April Fools’ Day is observed on April 1st every year, and it is marked by the distribution of practical jokes and hoaxes. April fools’ day is a term used to refer to both the jokes and the people who fall for them. People performing April Fool’s pranks reveal their ruse by yelling “April Fools” aloud. There are no public holidays observed on this day in any nation. Here is a collection of easy pranks that you may play on your friends, coworkers, and family members to brighten their day and make them laugh.
April Fools Day
April fools day 2022
People send April Fools’ Day messages, photos, and jokes in various languages, including English, Hindi, Spanish, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and others. People in the present age to give and receive greetings on occasions such as April Fools’ Day using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and other similar platforms. Check out the most excellent selection of April Fool’s Day 2022 Funny Images, Animated GIFs, Jokes, Pranks, Quotes, and Messages that can be shared with your loved ones. April Fool’s Day 2022 is celebrated on April 1st each year.

April Fools Day Prank 2022
April fools pranks

Dearest dad, you may not know but you are truly lucky to have me and I am not saying this because it is April Fool’s Day today.”

On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, I wish that you never run out of jokes and you always enjoy laughter and smiles. Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day to you.”

There is only one reason why you are not able to finish your work and that’s because you never do it. Happy April Fool’s Day to my coworkers.”

“Having online studies is the most amazing way of studying as you never know how much have really studied. Happy April Fool’s Day.”

“When you study online then you are actually witnessing the combination of your worst and best hobbies. Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day 2022 to you.”

April Fools Day Quotes 2022
“There is nothing bad in being foolish sometimes as we cannot be always intelligent. Happy April Fool’s Day to you.”

“Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day to you. Do not underestimate fools as they are responsible for making intelligent smart.”

“Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone. Let us celebrate being foolish as this is a fun thing to do.”

“When you are a foolish soul then no one expects anything intelligent out of you and that is quite a relief. Happy April Fool’s Day.”

“On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, let us come together and salute all the foolish people around us as they are special in their own ways. “

April Fools Day SMS 2022
April fools pranks over text
Just wanted to remind you that today is your day and you are making it a perfect one just by being you. Happy April Fool’s Day 2022.”

“If anyone thinks that you are smart then just smile at him and wish him a Happy April Fool’s Day and he would know it all.”

“The best trick for a person like you is to stay mum and let others think if you are a fool than to break the silence and making it evident. Happy April Fool’s Day.”

“Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day to you my dear. There is no way we can change the fact, you are a fool and you will remain one.”

“A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!!!”

April Fools Day Wishes 2022
April fools pranks for friends over phone

Somethings made for each other like bread and butter, fork and knife, paper and pen and you and stupidity….. Happy Fool’s Day to the best foolish friend!!!”

“Scientists have finally been able to spot the difference between a man and a monkey….. Man sends messages and monkey reads messages….. Have a wonderfool Fool’s Day.”

“If people call you crazy then don’t believe them….. If people call you stupid then believe them because they are saying it all right….. A Happy Fool’s Day to you.”

There is a virus that just entered your brains but he died because he failed to find any brains inside your head…. Happy April Fool’s Day dear.”

April Fool Jokes 2022
April fools day pranks jokes

1. “Even the gods love jokes.”~Plato

2. “Keep Calm. It’s only April Fool’s Day.”~ author unknown

3. “When in doubt, make a fool of yourself.”~ Cynthia Heimel

4. “If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.”~Welsh proverb

5. “We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.”~Japanese proverb

6. “Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.”~Jewish Proverb

7. “If it thunders on All Fool’s Day, Expect good crops of corn and hay.”~Unknown Author

8. “Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It’s good to be silly at the right moment.”~ Horace

9. He who is born a fool is never cured. ~Proverb

10. Don’t give cherries to pigs or advice to fools. ~Irish Proverb

11. A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool. ~ Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

12. Every fool finds a greater one to admire them. ~Nicolas Boileau

13. Any fool can make a rule, and any fool with mind it. ~Henry David Thoreau

14. We fool ourselves so much we could do it for a living.” ~ Stephen King
15. “Some people can’t be fooled on April Fool’s Day because they were fooled too many times during their entire lifetime.”
― Akash B Chandran

16. “I’m not a fan of April Fools’ Day. I can take a joke; I just don’t want to BE the joke.”
― Stewart Stafford

17. “April Fools’ is the only day to take people seriously.”
― Criss Jami, Healology

April Fools Pranks
Prank ideas 2022

Fake Your Location
Ever wanted to boast to your friends that you were on an exotic island? Maybe now’s the chance. Though with WhatsApp live location function, you won’t be able to do that as your real location will be shared. But with Fake GPS location you can. Isn’t this a great April Fool idea on WhatsApp. After you have installed the app, follow these steps –

1. Enable the Developer’s Option menu

2. Scroll down and select mock location app and choose Fake GPS

3. Go back to the FakeGPS app and select mock location and tap on the Play button which you will find at the bottom of the screen

4. That’s it all you have to do is go back to WhatsApp and tap on the attachment button and select Location like you usually do

On the 1st of April, people laugh, joke and mischievous act with their friends, relatives, teachers, colleagues etc. and people also fool their friends and relatives through messages and court.

 Blank Message (for WhatsApp)
To make this work:

1. Install the Blank Message App

2. Tap on the number of rows from the drop down menu and add as many rows as you want

3. You can choose from send and copy to clipboard

4. By choosing copy to clipboard you can copy the blank space to any app you want

5. That’s it! Hit the send button and see your friend’s face – confused or maybe even angry!
Best april fools prank

Fake birthday
If you’re able to get a hold of a family member or friend’s Facebook account, change their date of birth to 1 April and watch as the birthday messages roll in.

Your victim will be confused at first and will have to shamefacedly make the “thanks for the birthday wishes, but today isn’t actually my birthday…” post.

Frozen cereal
If you’re usually in charge of sorting out breakfast in the morning for someone else, like your kids or your partner, try out this frozen cereal prank.

All you need to do is, the night before April Fools Day, place a bowl of cereal with milk in the freezer (with or without a spoon) and in the morning have it set up ready for your unsuspecting victim to either dig into a frozen plate of cereal - or lift up the entire bowl with the spoon.

Jelly juice
If you want to add insult to injury with the frozen breakfast prank, switch out your target drink with that of a cup or mug of jelly.

Make sure the jelly is the right colour, so orange if you’re swapping it out for orange juice, brown if you’re swapping it out for coffee etc. The person getting pranked will be very confused when they go to take a drink and nothing moves!

Use the other door
If you’re in the office this year for April Fool’s Day and a harmless prank won’t immediately lead you to getting fired, you should definitely try out this prank - all you need to do is print out a sign that says “Please Use The Other Door” and stick them up on all the entrances.

This prank is even better if your workplace only actually has one entrance door.

The elastic band prank
Choose an item belonging to your target, like their phone or the TV remote, and wrap them in multiple lawyers of elastic bands. Sit back and watch as they try and release their items from their elastic band prison.

Googly eyes everywhere
Buy yourself a pack of googly eyes and start adding them to everything around the house - the fridge, the TV, ornaments, bookshelves, even the items inside your food cupboards. Your victim won’t be able to shake the feeling that they’re being watched…
Good April fools pranks

Never-ending typing
Prank a friend or family member by sending them a message on a platform that supports GIFs, such as Facebook Messenger, which says something along the lines of “we need to talk” or “you’ll never guess what!” and then sending a GIF of the typing dots that appear when you’re typing.

Your victim will think you’re typing out a massive message and will be sitting on the edge of their seat for a message that will never come.

New photos
Exercise your photoshop skills by changing up the subjects of the photos that you’ve got hanging up around the house - replace the family portrait with a picture where everyone has Nicolas Cage’s face, or swap out that graduation photo for one where the person is wearing a dunces cap instead.

Let your imagination run wild and see how long it takes for anyone to notice that something is amiss.

Move everything just a little
You might not be aware of it, but in our day to day life we do a lot of things just on autopilot - going to grab a fork from the cutlery drawer or milk from the fridge, there are certain things that if they were moved you might find yourself a bit confused.

Move commonly used items in your house just a little bit and guaranteed you’ll leave your family and friends wondering what’s up as they go to grab something that’s in a slightly different spot than usual.

Keep pranking, keep laughing, happy April Fool’s day!


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