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Too shot comedy: #ComedyGoesWrongWithDad

Too shot comedy group trending skit Released.  #ComedyGoesWrongWithDad✅��������... Hilarious, Na me go kill this Rock stars @last. I asked them to read no fa,dem come dey shoot comedy.��... Specially dedicated to all Dads, Happy Fathers Day in Aries... Also coming through tonight is ***A2sat���� and Papa A2sat�� series** Episode 3 Titled #Taju's��EncounterWithPapaA2sat..  To be dropped by 7:30Am this morning. Keep Anticipating... Follow on Twitter @tooshotcomedy1  IG @tooshotcomedygroup_official. Keep up Too Shot Comedy group news, bids and updates @ and Remember to subscribe to our channel for our latest hits on YouTube. Hit A2sat @+2348068411072. Ur smile is our top priority

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