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Have you heard of The engagement which doesn't have a physical ring but rather a Tattooed ring?

The beau, Prince Donnell disclosed:

""Who would of thought that a girl I would meet on Instagram a year and a half ago would now be my fiancé & future wife! And I wouldn't have it any other way! I could have went & got the biggest $10,000 ring that I saw in the jewelry store but I told her that I wanted this forever. I didn't want us to have the option to give up on each other or take off a physical ring. When it comes to marriage, you don't quit! You don't quit! And again, you don't quit! So I decided that we would make it permanent. 

Ladies, take this as an example of when a man truly wants to dedicate his ENTIRE LIFE to you, he will do absolutely anything to prove it. No excuses, no if's, no ands, no buts! He'll get down on one knee like a real man should, grab you by the hand and ask you to be his wife with no regrets. It doesn't matter how young or inexperienced you are! I'm 22 years old. Love is love at the end of day & don't let anybody stop you from who GOD has called you to be with.."

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