Check out Rant___028 By Akingbade Ademide
So in one word.. In that our small òkè baálé world.. We're back to square one.. We're back to mourning.. Our night is black no more, it's dark .. Pitch dark..
We used to be happy people.. I mean, we had no money of cos.. But we were satisfied with our constant electricity.. We were happy for a life going smoothly... We were happy with our dinner nights..
They don't just want to put a stop to our happiness.. We're being viciously attacked day and nights with bulldozers..
When I say these religious place of worships is just another way of stylishly killing, controlling and extorting ourselves.. You shouted Sacrilege...
Now all of you has been affected.. If he's not your brother.. You trekked.. From here to Abere.. If you didn't trek.. Your class was halted.
But we shouldn't fear to pull the trigger.. Because it's very hard to find a life in this cursed land.. People rise and people fall.. Here in this land..
Things are wrong. A lot of things.. If a 19 year old religious Alfa can kill a full grown youth to turn him to money.. Just because for Gucci and BMW..
Nkan tì ṣe wá ín this land...
He has a mother. A father. A sibling... He has a fucking family!! Was he hoping people not to care about a missing Final year student..
But all the same.. I keep telling you.. Life is hard.. Nigeria is hard.. With wicked and vicious citizens.. Until, I mean until you can hear your voice in your head telling you the life is hard... It's until then you're waking up to reality..
Anything outside that.. You're living a fake life..
Someone could mistake for a thief who snatched her bag last week.. You won't last 10 minutes.. 5 minutes if you're lucky.. Your parents will find out through your sister or brother that follows instablog..
It's that insane.. I tell you..
So please wake up.. Live safe with plenty intelligence.. Pick your cycle.. Speak wise and be adequately informed.. And most importantly.. Work and pray for luck.. You will need alot if it...
But meanwhile,
Now its night... And he's gone.. Gone for good.. You all will forget him soon.. You will attend your lectures.. Fight for your attendance and grades.. It's that simple.. I told you the life is hard and wicked.. *But remember, he who is dead doesn't fail in class*
Sonibare Oluwafemi Timilehin is gone... Till we meet to part no more
Akingbade Ademide
Gen.Secretary FABASSA
may z soul rest in perfect peace........M'zZ Bussy
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