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Make-up toh bad: Nollywood Actress, Mercy Aigbe Reconciles With Husband, Returns Into Matrimonial Home

Nollywood Star Actress, Mercy Aigbe and her socialite husband, Lanrewaju Gentry, have just returned into each other’s arms after a bitter fight.

According to Global Excellence Magazine, Mercy Aigbe’s husband, Mr. Lanre Gentry told the society tabloid over the weekend that the war is over is over and Mercy is back to their matrimonial home ready to continue with her roles as wife and mother of the house.

From what Global Excellence magazine gathered from Gentry, both of them have got a better understanding of their roles in the conflict while being empathetic of how the conflict affected them and it helped them with the repairing process.

“She is my wife, how can a man fight his wife”, Gentry waxed theoretically as he answered Global Excellence magazine’s questions on how they finally reconciled.

The popular hotelier, while trying to convince Global Excellence of the genuineness of their reunion, informed the magazine that Mercy was already in their family house, adding that she came home straight from a business trip to Turkey.

Also, Gentry showed this reporter the record of phone calls they both exchanged that Friday night about dinner.

According to Gentry, fights can be incredibly painful and make us question ourselves, our partner, and our relationship, but these doubts, fears, and hurt feeling are the reason it is so important to make an effort to repair and reconnect after a fight. “I don’t think there was a fight in the first place. And if anybody thinks there was, then it is settled,” declared the actress’ husband.

Mercy, during the fight that became a public item for weeks, accused her husband of domestic assault which landed her in the hospital for days. The matter dragged to a point that the police waded in, arrested and arraigned Gentry who ended up being detained for many days at Kirikiri Maximum Prisons until he was released on bail.

We tried to reach Mercy on her known phone numbers but all the lines were switched off at the time.
The couple’s seven year-old marriage was seriously threatened when the actress went to town with the allegation of physical assault against her by her husband.

Mercy called it quits after what was believed to be another case of violent assault by Gentry. The husband, after Mercy’s outburst, also accused Mercy of sleeping around and the fight became very messy thereafter, leading to Gentry’s temporary arrest and detention.

A close family source, however, squealed to Global Excellence magazine that Mercy initiated the peace process.

The source claimed that the actress about two weeks ago pleaded with Gentry in a private chat for forgiveness and promised that such occurrence would not repeat itself.

Following the plea, we learnt, the beautiful actress reportedly closed down the Instagram account she opened to sell her case while the fight lasted, while her daughter was said to have also changed her surname to Gentry indicating that indeed, peace has been restored in the family.

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