Introducing Catch Up With A2satBlog(CUTA) Exclusive Celebrities Interview Section: We bring You Ladesignatory!
As we kick-off with Catch Up With A2satBlog(CUTA) Exclusive Celebs interview Section where we would bring you Your favorite Musicians, Actors, Comedians, Bloggers and lot more.
Today, we present you One of the Fast rising Blogger in Nigeria Omolade Olorundare C.E.O/Founder of .
Ladesignatory won't sound strange to Students of University of Ilorin as that was where she graduated from bagging herself a degree in Mass Communication. She also bagged herself numerous Awards from Her Blog in the Institution, which she claimed to be with the help of her Team members. These Awards include Best Blogger of The Year at the Prestigious SUG Awards/Dinner Night of The Institution.
The team just celebrated a Year of Existence, in which it moves from to
Join us as we get to tell you more about Ladesignatory
Welcome Catch up with A2B(CUTA) Exclusive Interview Section Ladesignatory.
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
My name is Omolade Olorundare, born into a family of 6, (2girls and 2boys) studied mass communication in the university of Ilorin.
Lade's signatory blog is an All genre blog that deals with anything we think will be of interest to our Readers.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
Well, I got into Blogging at first because I wanted to do something with my time. So I started a food blog, quit because it wasn't working out and I wasn't getting enough readership. Started the food blog two years after, still wasn't working then I rebranded into Lade's signatory with the mind set of not being limited and being able to blog about anything I wanted.
How would you describe your blogging style?
All genre. Anything I and my team members think our Readers will be interested in and what we feel will be of benefit to them is what you see on the blog.
You seem to be a full-time blogger and also a student of Unilorin, can you tell us how you are coping with blogging, studying and life on campus
Well, knowing myself has helped me cope with that. I'm someone who likes being busy and I dislike being idle.
I'm also the type who prefers to read in the Dead of the night.
So, I blog during the day and Read my books to catch up with school work.
Did you have any professional help or did you created and manage ladesignatory yourself?
Well, I created the blog myself initially with the help of a friend (Tunde). But we launched a new website to celebrate our first year anniversary by changing from to and the new website was with the help of a professional
Ladesignatory has a lot of achievement to be reckoned with within just a year, how did you come about this... What do you think is the secret behind this
It's been God, because he's always there to listen, Guide, Teach and Direct me.
Determination and Having the Best Team members to work it also contributed to that.
My Team members are the Best anyone could think of having. They motivate me to Never give up and they all worked really hard to get the blog to where it is today.
Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?
How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?
Well, I'm always online and when I'm not due to unavoidable reasons. My team members take charge that you'd hardly notice I'm not online.
I get messages from readers daily which I reply to and my Team members get messages as well which they also attend to.
What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
Well, there's no specific one. Because God helps me with the wisdom to tackle each of the challenges as they come.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up
and running?
My Goal.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
Well, nothing out of the norm. Just God
Have you met anyone interesting/famous on your blogging journey, If yes, brief us about them and how it happened?
Well, I've met so many famous people through blogging and its been an Amazing experience.
What would you prioritize? Content? Traffic? Readers?
What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?
There's no Best way specifically. What works for me might not work for others.
Can you tell me about few sources from where you get products for review on your site?
They're numerous. But basically the social media
Tell us about your proudest achievement, both in blogging and outside of it
Proudest, I'd say I'm proud of all the Awards we won in the past one year
Do you have any specific goals for the rest of this year?
Yeah. A lot
What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?
Posting a false information
And I learnt that I need to confirm and reconfirm news before posting
About your relationship life, who's the lucky guy, brief us about him
Lol. Well, I'd like to keep that personal (smiles)
What's your Take on Alcohol and drugs
No comment.
A lot of people are interested in blogging for the money earning potential. What are some tips for people interesting in making money from blogging? What are some realistic expectations in regards to what can be made?
If you get into blogging for money. You definitely won't last
So, blogging shouldn't be your motive for wanting to blog
Name some of the bloggers whom you look up to and why?
Well, I'd say Linda. She's good at what she does.
Say something about A2satBlog
Its a Good blog and I wish you guys all the very best. Keep it up💕
Nice, Thanks for finding a time out of your very tight schedule to have this conversation with us, we appreciate. All the best Ladesignatory!
You're welcome
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