Breaking News

Gbese: Commotion as Woman uses her husband’s car to sow seed in a church in Delta State without his consent(photos)

An Indian-based Nigerian man identified as Blessing, has succeeded in retrieving the car his wife, Oghenevwede, gave to a pastor in Sapele, Delta State.

According to reports, Oghenevwede had given out the car to a pastor from Enugu State, without her husband’s consent. Upon hearing the report of the tension the move was causing in the family, another pastor identified as Michael, stepped in to help retrieve the car. The car was eventually handed over to Oghenevwede, yesterday.

According to multiple reports, some aggrieved Nigerians who are close to the woman’s husband, warned the pastor to return the car, else they’d attack the church premises and burn down any car they see in the church.

The pastor who called for peace – returned the car including the papers and everything associated with it back to the woman in the presence of other church members.

According to reports, the church members who were not happy with the woman due to how she handled the issue – warned her not to come to the church again.

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