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Gbam: Actress Bukola Arugba admits that her relationship with baby daddy, Damola Olatunji is not perfect (details)

Nollywood actress Bukola Awoyemi known more as Bukola Arugba has admitted that her relationship with actor lover Damola Olatunji is not without the normal dose of ups and downs!

The ebony skinned beautiful actress made this known today by sharing a photo of her husband Damola, taking charge of the kitchen in her behalf.

According to Bukola, many believe her relationship with him is all rosy and perfect because of their appearance in public, she makes it clear that they also have the usual couple fight.

“A couple that does not fight cannot be good friends, they have secrets and many unspoken words” she wrote.’

“I know sometimes u wonder, this people look so perfect, i wonder if they fight. I wonder if they have what they argue about. You need an answer to these ? Its a capital YES. Couples who don’t fight have a lot of un said words, a lot of secrets. Couples who don’t fight are not friends, what do u do with someone who is not your friend ? You mind your business, what he or she does is non of your business and with this u wont fight. When u are your partner’s friend, all he /she doing is your business, with this u point out what is right or wrong, u argue, sometimes u fight at the end u reach a solution. Hawtie created the slogan “CHRIST OUR FOUNDATION” i had wanted to ask why but i decided not to when i saw its results i started using it too and even more. Any relationship that has CHRIST as its foundation can NEVER be broken, when trials n storms come, your solid foundation which is CHRIST is there solidly holding u firmly together . ”

Bukola and Damola have a set of twin who already clocked two, despite what the world thought when they came together, this couple has remained strong!

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