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BUSTED: Drama Online As Rave Of The Moment, Mohbad's alleged of stealing an Upcoming Rapper, Olitee's Music [Full Gist]

Mohbad drops a freestyle on his Instagram Page yesterday, and Olitee was quick to accuse him of stealing his music.

Olitee had formally dropped a freestyle on his I.G titled “Set Awon Tani?” some days back and told his fans to tag Mohbad for a Repost or something, mohbad saw the video and Pretend as if he didn’t.

Then, a few days later Mohbad came up with something similar titled “Set Awon Tani? and Olitee was quick to challenge him by dropping a comment on his I.G page.

Do you think it's right for Mohbad to do this? Let's hear from you in the comment section

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