[Make Money] Register on Ovapay to Make #20,000 Naira in a day!!!
Members can earn from both Networking and Investment.
OvaPay investment generates 20% guaranteed return on any amount invested.
While the OvaPay Networking is a user acquisition program that rewards users with up to N20,000 for their referral activities. There are 4 networking levels on OvaPay, and every member starts from L1 and keep upgrading till they reach L4.
Level 1: Members will join with a fee of N1,000 and receive N2,000 in 6 hours. Members are required to have 1 active referral to be able to withdraw N1,000, and 2 active referrals to make unlimited withdrawals. If you can't find referrals yourself, you do not have to worry, we will provide you with up to 20 potential referrals.
Level 2: Members will join with a fee of N2,000 and receive N4,000 in 6 hours. Members must have at least 1 referral in level 2 in order to be able to withdraw.
Level 3: Members will join with a fee of N5,000 and receive N10,000 in 6 hours. Members must have at least 1 referral in level 3 in order to be able to withdraw.
Level 3: Members will join with a fee of N10,000 and receive N20,000 in 6 hours. Members must have at least 1 referral in level 4 in order to be able to withdraw. Thats All!
How to register?
Visit https://ovapay.net and click on Join Now. After that, enter the required details and click on Register.
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