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MY LIFE AS A KID... Akingbade Ademide + Jay_Al

Our superb writers have taken their time to give us something to keep us busy with for a moment this holiday, As they picked up their pens to gush out some amazing moments of Childhood... Enjoy!

As composed by Akingbade Ademide and furthered by komolafe John (jay_al)

Màmá kept telling me how much high hopes she had in me and she was really getting chocked with my incessant appetite to destroy as much as possible just to satisfy my insatiable taste for knowledge acquisition.
I thought she was just being harsh and uncaring until the day she walked several miles in the dark just to search for me in a concrete turned football playground at the back of a friend's house. Poor me, I felt pity for myself not her as she treated my bruises and helped my disjointed limbs and bones back to their appropriate positions. In the midst of that, I saw the hope in her eyes, hoping I turn up big in life so I become just as great as I can be.
Innocently, I became more curious when in class I saw my peers handle the latest gadgets. I went back home to bug mama about it, I received talks about destiny and her marathon prayers followed soon after she set me free to toy with whatever I could lay my hands on.
She knew it was going to be horrific if I don't become a success and I understood as I  "metamorphosised". Till youth, she still reminds me of how cruel the world can be.
I enjoyed those walks to and fro to school from home, I never really cared if I was dirty because I wasn't even aware.
I cared about nobody but everyone was quick to correct my manners anytime i failed to prostrate to an elder, it became a regularity.
I was bad though, once smashed a bag of ceramics plate on a girls forehead, it shattered and her head bled. There and then, I learnt it won't be easy keeping a woman in my house if I grow to be the type who raises his hands on a woman, I vowed never to be the type. Making a woman cry became my weakness till date.

Life can sometimes be cruel but mama will always say everything will be alright....
As a kid I never worry about anything because everything comes with ease right from school to home and home to school. Sometimes will play a lot in school forgetting to study and come out with poor grades, for all play and no works makes jack a dull boy. Sometimes get beaten for my wrong so I can know the right thing but later left me to myself because it was my life not hers. I learnt everything is not like a bed of roses for I have to work for myself and become a great person not for her but for myself. Then I knew what it takes to be a man and a successful one at that.
Though everything was hard when I was growing but I realize happiness is the major key, no matter what if you see happiness in a thing strong passion comes so as to go for more. I started cooking, washing  bathing myself not because i don't have someone to do that for me but some day when I have my family I can help my kids and also teach them same thing. When I entered high school and saw other students like me I started comparing myself to them not knowing comparison kills faster than I thought, thank God I have been through thick and thin myself so nothing can ever break me because there is nothing new under the sun.
When will the small boy turn big man? For everything required to be a man is already in my possession.

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