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Oh no: Utibe who sang Davido's 'IF' loses mum!

Remember Utibe, the Akwa Ibom boy whose ‘cover’ of Davido’s hit single ‘IF’ went viral and caught Davido's attention? He has lost his mother!

It was gathered that the Utibe who has got two younger sisters is now an orphan, as his mum who has been sick for a long time has been snatched by the cold hands of death.

Here’s what Instagram user, Shamrock who shared the story wrote;

Rest in peace UTIBES MUM.. U struggled to live, u where always telling me u want to start business I told u to recover first, now I got a call u are gone so soon, if life was to be sold I will buy some more years for u…I tried to battle with ur health,but my best wasn’t good enough, Who will look after utibe and the two younger sisters.. Who will live in the huz we are building for u… I just wish u slept in that huz even for a second.. My heart is heavy. But GOD knows best. Rip

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