UNIOSUN Students set to take a "Peaceful Match" To king of Osogbo's Palace Over Missing Final Year Student
As today marks the Fourth day since when Sonibare Oluwafemi, a Final year student of Microbiology department at Uniosun has been declared missing.
The students are planning on Taking a "Peaceful March" To the King of Osogbo Palace and they're seeking for massive Turn-up from all Uniosun Students at the Main Campus to make this successful.
Read The Text for Turn-up below;
Solidarity greetings to everyone...
This is to inform all UNIOSUN Osogbo campus students that due to the missing of one of our students in person of SONIBARE OLUWAFEMI.T, a 400L microbiology dept, we wish to inform all progressive students of UNIOSUN Osogbo campus that there shall be a peaceful march to the Ataoja's (king of Osogbo) palace tomorrow so as to express our displeasure on the sessional kidnap/missing of our students. In lieu to this, we are to converge at Transformer Junction by 7:00 AM, thereby all tomorrow lectures shall be place on hold. Thank you.
Signed: Yusuf Muis Oluwakayode (Kabiesi)
JCC Sec. Gen.
FABASSA Executives
All Stidents Rep Osogbo Campus.
We hope he is safe and sound.
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