Gbosa: JAMB Slashes 2018 UTME Fees By 53% For Foreign Candidates
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board has slashed the 2018 UMTE application fees by 53 per cent for foreign-based candidates from $150 to $20 per candidate.
This according to the board is to streamline the application fees in line with fees for other public examination in other countries.
The development was reached at a stakeholders meeting convened to seek and incorporate opinions to add value to the board’s plans towards achieving a better 2018 JAMB examination.
JAMB Registrar, Professor Ishaq Oloyede also outlined several plans by the Board to achieve a better conduct of its examination at the meeting.
Stakeholders mapped out plans to ensure that candidates are well-informed on the procedures of the JAMB examination.
Sales of forms for the examination is expected to commence on 22nd of November through 22nd of January 2018 with the examination proposed to run between ninth and seventeenth of March, 2018.
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