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Science Daddy: Olamide damns NBC ban as he celebrates his son on his birthday [Photo]

Singer Olamide is celebrating his son who is a year older today.

The proud father shared a photo of himself with his adorable son Batifèori Maximiliano Adedeji who turns 3 today.

Olamide wrote: "Happy birthday ????? Batifèori Maximiliano Adedeji ???????? more life young King ?? from Dad,your best pal."

Meanwhile, the controversial song ‘science students’ released by the rapper, has been banned by the National Broadcasting Corporation(NBC).

According to the NBC’s Head of Public Affairs, Hajia Maimuna, the song was not out-rightly banned but prohibited from being played on local stations for public consumption.

She added that the song’s subtle promotion of illegal drugs was the main reason for declaring it unlawful as she issued a stern warning to all broadcasting houses.

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