A2B Exclusive: 19 Ways NYSC Corpers & Nigerian Youths Can Make Extra Money And Become A Millionaire During Service Year [Complete Analysis You Need]
Hi A2Bers, it's been ages actually and I just can't express how much I miss you all, have been on some projects lately which has been overwhelming me with tight workspace for months now.
I believe you all are safe and staying at home as we're all instructed.
Well welcome back, Today I'm here to share on to us all a mind exploding tips on how to become a millionaire after your Youth Service.
Read along as I bring you some tips (credits to Paul Geek)
what business can I do as a corper ?
There is the chance to take things even further and strive to hit the millions during your service year!
In this piece, we shall walk you through some business ideas that are easy and require low capital to start up;
and some of the ways you can make more money while serving at your PPA (Place of Primary Assignment). – opportunities for corners
Keep in mind, that nothing good comes easy, and these are not your regular get-rich-quick schemes, therefore,
you’ll have to realise you need to put in time, effort, and passion as we review these business ideas together.
1. Making Money online
2. Starting Popcorn Business
3. Conducting Private Lessons
4. Doing “handy” Jobs
5. Using your talent
6. Starting up a pastry business
7. Bead Making
8. Savings
9. Starting thrift savings with (trusted) friends
10. Becoming a personal trainer
11. Doing Research/Projects for tertiary institution students
12. Organise entrepreneurial training
13. Go into Agriculture
14. Starting a dry cleaning business
15. Starting a Photography business
16. Starting a tailoring outfit
1. Making Money online
This is no doubt one of the most straight-forward ways to earning extra quid as a Corper especially during this stay home period in which most people find themselves online.
What a lot of people don’t realise is that there are an awful lot of legit online business,
there are so many niche that money can be made from them with minimum effort.
Unfortunately, most people are caught up in the “scam” buzzword, and think “if it sounds too good to be true,
then it’s a scam” this makes juicy online opportunities elude them.
One of the best ways to making money online (It’s been time tested and proven) is starting out a blog
It is a long-term venture that wouldn’t be easy at first, but pays off big time as time goes on.
I started Blogging(A2SATSBLOG) in the middle of 2016, invested a lot on mobile apps, domains and hosting. Spent more than enough on maintaining the blog with all of my pocket money as an Undergraduate back then at Osun State university.
But I started earning tokens in the middle of 2018.
With that, I kept growing steadily and as at 2020 this is what my Promotional budget package looks like:
Low Budget: 5,000Naira
Normal Budget: 10,000Naira
High Budget: 15,000Naira
Blast Budget: 40,000Naira
Now let's imagine 25 people coming in for my Blast Budget package in a Month -before you say "Mad o" you should know this is yet to occur but will surely happen with time (don't come and kidnap me😂)
40,000Naira x 25 = 1,000,000Naira
Meanwhile: I don't earn from Adsense for now, if I'm to be an Adsense Earner then I might be counting millions monthly with ease (Smiles)
(Now I can see you are adjusting your seating position, let's keep this rolling)
2. Starting Popcorn Business
Don’t laugh at this one, because if you do, you would be the ignorant one. Popcorn business has proven to be a very lucrative business over time,
and that’s due to how easy it is to get started, and how large a market available for it just about everyone eats popcorn!
One major reason to start popcorn business as an NYSC Corper member (outside the fact that there is a vast market for it)
is that raw materials for popcorn business is readily available; and wherever your PPA might be, it really shouldn’t be a barrier to starting the popcorn business.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
And if you’re worried about capital, you would be happy to know that it requires very little capital.
The requirements for a popcorn business is quite straightforward.
First thing you need is the right information; seek out all the info and tips on popcorn business,
it shouldn’t take you more than a few weeks to gather the right info. After then, you get your equipment ready; a proper popcorn maker.
It is recommended that you buy one first, to test out the market outlook, then buy a second one, if the conditions permit it.
How To Make Extra-Money BEING AN NYSC CORPER
And when you’re to buy a popcorn maker, buy a gas powered one; the benefits are immense – it eases your production.
All the other materials should be considered too: Sugar, Butter, Salt, Containers, Nylons, showcase glass.
You can talk to your friends, go to their place of work and work out a way for them to sell for you; on the days of CDS (or general CDS),
try to take some of your merchandise with you, you can set up a mobile stall for you to sell and at the same time go about with your CDS.
As you do all of these, be sure to carry out your feasibility studies in the area where you want to operate in and make sure that is done before starting out.
3. Conducting Private Lessons
Another popular way to make money as a youth corps member is by conducting private lessons;
every other person is into it, so it makes it all the more recommendable. Up to N40,000 can be made monthly, alongside the allowance that’s received.
One way to go about it by lobbying for recommendations; link up with outgoing corps members ,
tell them to recommend you to the parents of the wards they were tutoring before, so you can pick up from where they’ve left off.
If you impress them with your job, you might just be able to earn a side hustle needed to augment your allowance.
4. Doing “handy” Jobs
You need to ask yourself, “am I skilled with tools?” if you think you can answer the question in affirmative, then there’s an avenue to make some money.
You could be great at satellite cable TV installations, flat screen TV mounting, and thing like that, and you would be surprised
that these could earn you some substantial money (imagine making 5,000 to 8,000 naira for every installation you make, that really cool, if you ask us!)
It could be plumbing, Cobbling, or even bag making; if it solves people’s needs, and they’re willing to pay for it, then it’s worth the shot.
5. Using your talent
You would discover (sooner or later) that you’ve got talent for something, and there comes a time you’ll have to use that talent to make some money for yourself.
So it you think have talents in writing, interior decoration, hairdressing, and so on, go for it!
You don’t need to be elaborate about it; you don’t need a big shop, and you can definitely work from home.
6. Starting up a pastry business
Pastry business is also one such business that requires low capital, and a substantial market potential.
Cupcakes, doughnuts, pie are some of the confectioneries you can make and sell. You might be worried about finding the market for your goods,
but the thing is, insofar you’re a corps member, there is market for you (the universe is working together for your good),
unless you find yourself in the remotest area of the country, and even then, once you can find at least a school,
then you’ve found your market.
At your CDS meeting point, you can take note of the convenience stores that around it: approach them and convince them to help you sell your goods.
Once you get yourself a handful of people who are willing to work with you, you start supplying and are well on your way to making money from the business.
7. Bead Making
Some people might think Bead making is kinda niche, and that it’s not as mainstream or as much of a money-spinner as some other businesses.
We’ll have you know that you can earn a decent living from bead making, even as a Corper.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
Once you’ve gotten around learning the art, you can try to build a customer base and impress them with your bead making skills.
You could also make money, by teaching others what you know about bead making.
However, ensure you are versed in the fundamentals and the nitty-gritty of the art before you embark on bringing people together to teach them the art.
The basic requirements for bead making are:
Bead Design board
Metal strings (or fishing line)
Wire cutters
A variety of beads etc.
One would see how easy most of these materials are to come by; start-up capital is really low, therefore, it’s really nice to consider bead making, if you can.
Some of the products you can make and sell as a NYSC Corper include:
Waist belt
Wrist watch etc.
If you’re good at bead making, you become easily recognised, and your customer base begins to expand.
8. Savings
This is not a business idea (obviously), but a concept that could really help, if you plan to make money in the nearest future. – make money as a NYSC Corper
Based on the principle that “saving begets investment”, saving is quite important, if you want to go into a business later on.
You can save from the allowance you get for being a Corper (it’s small, but figure out how much you can save that won’t harm your survival.
You can also save the external funds you receive, either from family and friends, or a business you’ve been doing before.
Make saving goals; be it monthly or weekly, and at the end of the year, you would be pleased to find that you have a decent amount of money in savings.
Then you can proceed to invest into a venture that you think is most profitable for you.
9. Starting thrift savings with (trusted) friends
Thrift savings can be a way to accumulate some money while still a Corper. It would work best if you get yourself 10 friends
(can be less, but should not be more), and agree on a monthly payment (which could be fixed, or arbitrated by a percentage of money earned).
Payment of the total money contributed is then made to individual members in a particular order;
a member who has received his tranche of the contribution would then be required to continuously pay the agreed amount for an agreed amount of time.
This usually gives the chance to make investments with the money received.
how to make extra money during service year
However, the efficacy of this particular concept is based on the level of responsibility of the participating members;
find yourself people and friends you trust (and ensure that they don’t exceed 10, as that might introduce conflict)
10. Becoming a personal trainer
While it might not be popular (in fact, it’s the least popular of the aforementioned ideas), it’s still a avenue for making money.
You may find yourself in a neighbourhood where there are people who are in need of (and are willing to pay for) a fitness trainer.
Obviously, you need to be fit yourself before anyone can take you seriously, or at least, be athletically-oriented, as this gives an easy edge.
11. Doing Research/Projects for tertiary institution students
It’s very obvious that, for anyone who is currently in the NYSC programme, he/she must have passed through a tertiary institution.
Given that fact, it means he/she understand that there is a need amongst the finalists of several institutions and that need could be met by him/her.
Students of tertiary institutions (especially outgoing ones) would have to carry out research work/Project before they can be cleared for graduation; and sometimes, they do need help with it.
That leaves a business opportunity open for you, to key in and make money solving that need.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
You could organise a student consultancy service in schools you’re serving in (provided you’re serving in a tertiary institution, of course) for a fee.
Enlightened students who would go the extra mile in getting knowledge that would benefit their future would patronise you.
Then you could help out with projects and charge between 50,000 and 200,000 naira, depending on the technicality and complexity of the said project.
The outlook of this business idea is really positive, as you can make lots and lots of money; depending on how hardworking and dedicated you’re willing to be.
Besides, just put in the work, and it would speak for itself, and you would get the necessary recognition and exposure you need.
12. Organise entrepreneurial training services
Organise trainings and seminars on entrepreneurial skills that you have, or have learned from someone or somewhere.
Entrepreneurial training has been a hot cake in recent times, due to the fact that everyone wants to become an entrepreneur sooner or later.
You can (will, actually) make a lot of money if you can bring people together and teach them how to acquire sellable and profitable entrepreneurial skills for any business they wish to go into.
The sweetest part of it is that you don’t have to be overly professional, before you can start these trainings;
YouTube videos could be used, you just need to practice them to an acceptable so that you’ll be qualified to teach the skills you learned therein.
13. Go into Agriculture
Agriculture is such a vast field that youths are being encouraged to go into. It is a business with the “double treat” advantage;
meaning it would benefit you as much as it would benefit the nation generally. Which is why most people believe one can hardly lose in agriculture.
Some people have the tendency to think agriculture is just all about planting crops and tending to plantations; but it’s not just about that.
You could start pig farming, poultry farming, rabbit farming, and other forms of animal husbandry.
Although these are excellent avenues for making lots of money, they require varying degrees of resources, which might not exactly fit under “low start-up capital”.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
Let’s not rule out the possibility of getting into plant agriculture; cashew plantation, cassava plantation, and so on could be real money spinners for nysc corpers –
provided you’ve studied the demand of that particular crop and availability of land for the venture.
There are other forms of agro-business; like importation, agro-allied investments.
Agriculture is one of the business area that’s almost a sure-fire way of making millions within a relatively short while.
how to earn money during service year
However, one must be ready to meet all the requirements and make available the resources before setting out.
Land is a major resource that’s needed, and luckily for some people, they are serving at a location where land is very cheap,
so it’s a good thing if they can take that advantage, and get as much land for agriculture as they can.
14. Starting a dry cleaning business
Another low-key way to start earning soft money for nysc corper. Initially, you could start out from your apartment,
doing the washing yourself and going from houses to houses to get orders.
As time goes on, start advertising yourself by word of mouth, and other forms of advertisement, and as more orders come in,
you start making plans on expansion; get yourself a shop (open space could do too, but a shop is better); and from there, you grow and earn!
This one’s a classical business idea where you “start small and grow big”; start-up capital is minimal as most of it would be in form of physical labour
which you can provide yourself at first, and then, with time and effort, you steadily work up the ropes and out to financial freedom.
15. Starting a Photography business
Gone were those days when you needed a ginormous camera (that costs an outrageous amount of money) in order to get into photography.
That is not to say that you don’t need a standard camera even now, although two things have changed; first, cameras are now way cheaper, and two,
you don’t necessarily need a standard camera to start out. If you’ve got a good cameraphone (say, you’ve got a recent iPhone model)
and can be very versatile with it, then you can start with that. Mind you, never for once forget that
you would always need a digital camera at one point in time in a photography business, and the sooner you get one, the better.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
Sure, there are lots of competitions already, but you can easily edge them out with one thing: creativity.
If you’re versatile and creative with methods and conventions of photography, you’ll make your money regardless.
An added skill could also be a huge advantage; say, you’re also good with graphics design,
then you can combine that with your photography gig so that people would pay more when getting your services.
15. Starting a food supply chain
This is the kind of business that’s more suited for the female folk, but that doesn’t mean anyone else can’t do it.
There are two major ways to go about it: you can either be the starting point of the supply chain
(by cooking the food yourself), or get someone you can liaise with, to cook for you.
Whichever of the two is convenient for you: keep in mind that if you cook yourself, you invest a lot of time and resource that way
(and as a youth corper, you may not always have that time to spare).
If you choose the other option, you might be hard pressed to find someone who’s ready to deal, unless you find a close person to help you out.
how to make extra money during service year
All you need to do, is to get customers who need food to be supplied to them (you can advertise by word of mouth, or by other means),
and find means to get food supplied to them, it’s as straightforward as that.
Be creative with the way you get food to people (and neat too, obviously), and you just might find yourself making lots of money.
There’s room for expansion too!
For one thing, you can’t be the only one cooking for so much people all the time (disappointments would start setting in),
and also, you can’t always rely on that one supplier all the time.
So, you may need to start expanding as time goes on; get yourself more suppliers, have one or more cooks at hand, have a plan and a backup plan.
In doing these, you’ll begin to build strong customer base, and start getting huge patronage.
16. Starting a tailoring outfit
This business idea isn’t for everyone (we’ll admit), but for people who feel inclined to that line of vocation.
For someone who has a sewing machine, or has access to one, it becomes easy to start a tailoring outfit.
Starting out is straightforward; get people’s awareness that you’re the right person for all their cloth sewing needs, and you’re worthy of earning their trust on that.
Trust plays a huge role in tailoring business (almost everyone has had a bad experience with a tailor at one point or another),
and you would want to prove that you’re different from the other tailors, so that people can patronise you.
Start out from your immediate vicinity, and as time goes on, spread the word to farther places.
When you start receiving orders, do not delay them; as that is a big turn-off for most people.
17. Selling stuff online
Blogging isn’t the only way to make money online.
You can actually sell stuff online too! You don’t need to have a dedicated website at first, you could just
register with popular online marketplaces (such as Jumia, Kongaand the rest of them);
that way, you don’t have to pay for web hosting, advertisement, and other overhead costs,
you get to focus on the buying and selling, while the online platform on which you’re on worry about the rest for you.
When starting out, make your findings and find out which product is in high demand, and try to sell these products.
Visit the online marketplaces (including the one you wish to work with) and check out what product is selling fast, and try to sell the product as well.
Sure, you’d be faced with competitions, but the only way you can have an edge over the rest of the sellers is
if you offer juicy discounts, and make your price more competitive.
You could become a popular seller in no time, and that definitely means more money for you.
18. Dropshipping
This business is closely related to selling items online. So there are times you won’t have the opportunity to stock up on a particular item type which you wish to sell,
so the solution, is to link up with a supplier or seller who sells that item, and receive customer orders
for that item on behalf of that seller, after which you get paid your agreed commission.
You may not have money to actually buy the product, but you have confirmed that people are in need of it;
Dropshipping is the way to go, just take the picture of the product (owned and sold by the supplier/seller
you must have struck a deal with), upload them online, and then be the broker for a sale (for an agreed commission)
Dropshipping is a lot more flexible than just selling online outrightly. You get the liberty of selling products you don’t even own,
or haven’t stocked up yet, and you can sell a wider variety of goods, as there’s very little limitation.
However, since you can only make commissions on every sale you bring in for the seller, your profit is more or less pegged at a point
you might not be satisfied with, thus, in order to alleviate that, you engage in multiple
Dropshipping deals with several companies, so that the aggregation of the commissions you’ll make, would be satisfactory.
19. Freelancing
This is easily the easiest way to make money as a nysc corper. You become a freelancer, offering your services to people who need it ASAP.
So, you figure out what skill you have that you think you can easily sell (even to remote people);
skills such as writing, Graphics design, animation, web development and so on.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
Then you get a platform from which you can advertise yourself and seek out potential customers.
Platforms such as Freelancer.com, Fiverr, Upwork, are recommendable platforms from which you can launch yourself as a freelancer.
People come to these platforms and pay for your services when they want it, and that’s how you make your money.
These platform have the advantage of giving the minimum exposure you need for people to get to know about you,
but you can take a step further by building a profile on social media, so as to increase your chances of being recognised.
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
As with all the other business ideas, dedication and hard work is necessary in freelancing,
and it’s with these virtues that you can be able to build trust, which would in turn build patronage.
Once you start getting patronage, it’s very easy to make high figures, and in some cases, make them in foreign currencies.
Freelancing is really flexible and easy to start up (it is perhaps the easiest to start up on the list);
all you need to start is at least a capable smartphone and a laptop or PC with a fairly constant internet connection.
Freelancing gives you the opportunity to work conveniently from anywhere you are, and the fun part of it is that you make all the cool cash “on the low”.
In Thought on How To Make Money As A NYSC CORPER
There are so much business ideas available to an NYSC Corper, and there are several avenues of making
legitimate money in Nigeria in one year (if one knows what he/she is doing).
One of the most important thing to do before anything else, is to study the immediate environment,
and seek out people’s needs and find out ways which they can be solved.
Then create a business model that would solve people’s needs and at the same time bring in profit.
Get the business plan as a NYSC Corper
You’ll also need to understand that you need to imbibe certain virtues in order to succeed in business (or anything else in life).
How To Make Extra-Money As A NYSC CORPER
Some of these virtues are hard work, dedication, perseverance, and so on.
It is important to pay attention to these virtues, as they determine how far one would go in any business endeavour.
Then, there’s the place of God in all of these dealings, as He has the final say. Success and Failure of a business happens because he wills it so;
thus, it is pertinent to seek Him out, even after all the preparations have been made. As they say “man proposes, God disposes.”
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Credit: Paul Geek
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