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Ahuzubilahi: Shocking story on How a Man raped 7-year-old girl inside popular mosque

A 34-year old Ibrahim Lawal has done the absurd and sacrilegious by engaging a 7-year girl in a sex romp inside a popular mosque.

The incident happened at the Central Mosque located at Shagari Estate, Abesan in Ipaja area of Lagos.

P.M.EXPRESS scooped that Lawal lured the victim to the mosque in the evening when nobody was there, removed her pant and penetrated her.

During the act, Lawal reportedly discharged inside her private part. When he eventually finished, he allowed her to go with her wet pant which made the victim’s parents to discover what happened.

P.M.EXPRESS gathered that the parents asked the victim what happened and she revealed that it was Lawal that deflowered her.

The parents raised alarm, alerted other neighbours and reported the matter to the police who arrested and detained him.

P.M.EXPRESS gathered that Lawal initially denied but when he confronted the victim, she was able to prove that she was raped by Lawal.

The incident shocked people in the area as the residents were seen discussing the matter and wondered how Lawal could muster the gut to commit such a crime with the little girl inside a place of worship. Some said he must have been influenced by certain forces beyond him to do so.

However, Lawal was charged before Ikeja Magistrates court for defilement.

He pleaded not guilty.

The presiding Magistrate, Mrs. B.O. Osunsanmi granted Lawal bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties in like sum.

The court also ordered his file to be duplicated and sent to DPP for advice.

The matter was adjourned till 1 February, 2018 for the report of DPP to be ready.

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